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Snow and Sickness

January 3, 2011

On Thursday, the 23rd,  we headed over the pass to Yakima.  The weather was perfect and I spent most of the trip having great conversations with my brother, Karl, who rode with us.  I was having such a great time, I didn’t take any pictures going over.  However, when we got to our destination, I did what I neglected to do at Thanksgiving, and took some outdoor shots at home in Yakima.

The Setting:

By the time I had lost nearly all my light and headed back inside, the boys had gathered for a beer tasting. After slapping John on the wrist for neglecting to wait for me, I had a quick sip of that amber liquid and took a few more photos.

Karl, tasting the beer

John, one of several tastings

Dad and Karl, Cheers!

Dad, Mandi & Doug, not the clearest shot, but Dad's cheeks are full of beer!

All this happened while Mom was upstairs with Sparky and Sophia, playing Legos.

Mom, Sparky, Sophia

It felt good to be in the fresh snow and cold air and to gather with family.  I miss snow, and crisp winter air.  Winter in Seattle is usually a much more soggy experience.  I like my Christmas to be white, and cold.

After our first day in Yakima, we settled in for sleep, warm and happy.

Then it happened.  I woke up at 1 a.m. feeling strange, then feeling bad, then feeling really awful.  I will spare you the details and tell you simply that I had the stomach flu and, after waking up at 1 in the morning, I did not sleep again until the following day.  I’m sure many of you will agree with me when I say that I would rather have a bad cold for months on end than  have the stomach flu.  I hate it.  Thankfully, this was a quick flu and the worst of it was over in a night.  The flu completely shot all my picture taking plans to hell though.  I just didn’t have the energy on Christmas day.

I ended up staying a week in Yakima, being waited on and gaining my appetite and my strength back.  It was glorious!  And I promise, I only milked it a little, itsy-bitsy bit.  It was the first time in a long time, that I’ve had my mother there to take care of me.  She is the perfect nurse and I thank her for her fearless care of me!

On the way back over the pass it was about as sunny as I have ever seen it in winter.  There was also freshly fallen snow all around.  You can imagine why I couldn’t keep my camera zipped up in it’s case.  I have taken hundreds of photos on the pass, one might think I’d be tired of it by now, but I’m not, and I hope you aren’t either.

Ellensburg sans fog

heading into the mountains

Twin Peaks fans anyone?

Mom and Dad took me as far as North Bend, which is pretty far.  They spent a goodly portion of their day driving, and I am very grateful to them for their willingness to do that. My Dad is a champion driver and made mom and I feel safe on that unpredictable pass.

John drove up from Seattle and met us, Cordelia and I were both happy, no, ecstatic to see him. We were ready to get home and settle in to the new year.  And this time, I got some shots of my homecoming to Seattle, this beautiful city I get to live in.

floating bridge

And now, we have the new year to look forward to, resolutions to make (mine mostly involve money…) and planning to do.  The sun has been shining and it has been properly cold.  There is even a chance of snow this week!  The year is starting out brilliantly.

Happy Holidays everyone and Happy New Year!

21 Comments leave one →
  1. mary permalink
    January 3, 2011 5:28 pm

    Very nice ! enjoyed….

  2. LivPaige permalink
    January 3, 2011 7:17 pm

    Fabulous pics!

  3. January 4, 2011 8:54 am

    thank you ladies!

  4. January 19, 2011 7:08 am

    love the water reflections, gorgeous!

  5. Judy permalink
    December 9, 2011 6:51 am

    Absolutely Gorgeous!!!

  6. Cynthia permalink
    March 17, 2012 8:11 am

    Wonderful pictures! I loved your mom’s outdoor planter arrangements. Seattle is indeed beautiful but I would hate to live there (I hate driving through it). Did you travel on 90? We travel Hwy 12 to Yakima, another beautiful route.

    • March 18, 2012 7:45 am

      Thank you! My mother’s lovely decorations and my parent’s beautiful house/yard, make it easy to take pictures!
      Yes, we travel 90. We have taken 12, but not in the winter because that is usually not possible. I love the culture in Seattle and all the options we have for restaurants and shops and activities. I even like the weather most of the time, although, at the moment, it’s getting a bit old. I often miss the true seasons Yakima gets.

  7. maddie permalink
    October 19, 2012 8:09 pm

    love your pics and the wonderful family story, except the part with the stomach flu, not so good for you, your very blessed to have such a caring family, Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year.

  8. November 16, 2012 8:53 am

    Hello.. I landed on your blog because I was looking for some pine cone decorating ideas (for a pine cone crafts and decor round-up I have been working on) so did a photo search and found the photo you posted of the planters with the evergreen, pine cones and Christmas balls in them but I got side tracked by all of the other pretty winter photos you have posted! What a beautiful home you have. I live in TX and rarely get to see snow.

    Anyway, I LOVE the pretty planters with the pine cones and hope it’s okay that I’ve featured your photo in my pine cone crafts and decor round-up with attribution to you and a link back here. Here is the round-up:

    Thank you so much for the pine cone decoration idea and all of the pretty pictures you have shared on your lovely blog. Though I rarely get to see snow anymore, it’s always nice to see it in photos!

    • November 16, 2012 3:31 pm

      Absolutely! I am honored that you chose my photo to use in your lovely pine cone post. I think pine cones are beautiful and love all the ideas on your blog for how to decorate with them. I can’t wait for the snow this year! Thank you for your kind words. 🙂

      • November 16, 2012 5:59 pm

        Thank you Joani and if the snow gets to be too much…please send some my way!

  9. Judy Bowers permalink
    November 28, 2013 3:50 pm

    beautiful pictures!!!


  1. Simplificando o Natal | Garimpando o Belo e o Bom
  2. Christmas Wedding Ideas | Heart Love Weddings
  3. Pine cone decor ideas for Christmas | Chickabug
  4. 60 Beautifully Festive Ways to Decorate Your Porch for Christmas - DIY & Crafts
  5. Great outdoor idea | fungardenz
  6. Pine Cone Crafts and Decoration Ideas for the Holidays | EUOA
  7. 40 awesome pinecone crafts and projects - A girl and a glue gun

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